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The Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University
Release Date:2024-03-24 Info. Source:Beijing Overseas Talents Center

The Second Hospital of Tianjin Medical University was established in 1972 and is a large comprehensive tertiary first-class university hospital that integrates medical treatment, teaching, scientific research, and prevention. The hospital has a complete set of departments, with 56 clinical medical technology departments and 4 municipal research institutes including Tianjin Institute of Urology.

No. Specialization Job Title Number Valid Through Expected Starting Date Job Description Age Education Qualifications Supportting Policy and Benefits Target Country/Region or Organization for the Candidate

1 Major in medical imaging, nanomedicine, image analysis, etc research assistant 1 2025/03/31 under 35 years old Doctor Above 3 years training or teaching and work experience in the related field. discuss personally Send

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Subject: Recruitment Fair for Global Talents(GT²HR)
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