Log in to apply for positions on 2023 GT2HR Fair. 申请2023“双百”对接会岗位请先登录北京海外学人网
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Tianjin YingZhiJie Training Company
Release Date:2024-09-03 Info. Source:Beijing Overseas Talents Center

EF is one of the world's largest education and training providers, with students of all ages and teachers who are passionate about working and living in the classroom.

Our mission is to "open the world through education" - and our teachers are at the heart of that mission.

- Our brands operate in more than 50 countries around the world and in more than 60 cities in China.

- We are the world's largest private education company and a sponsor of seven Olympic Games.

Now we respond to the quality education policy, we carry out quality education reform and upgrade our teaching products comprehensively. The current content presents diversity and interest, including painting, story performance, music, drama, whole brain development, science experiments, organization and planning, as well as study practice expansion, in order to comprehensively improve students' soft skills, such as: social skills, communication and expression, creativity, learning ability, logic, etc.

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Subject: Recruitment Fair for Global Talents(GT²HR)
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