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Tianjin Helibury International School
Release Date:2024-03-24 Info. Source:Beijing Overseas Talents Center

Welcome to Haileybury International School. Haileybury is committed to providing Chinese students with a world-class education.

Haileybury has successfully delivered the VCE to Chinese students in China since 2002. It has successfully helped many hundreds of Chinese students to enter western universities. In November 2014, Australia Prime Minister Tony Abbott announced Haileybury as a finalist in the Australia-China Achievement Awards during his speech at the Parliament House Dinner for Chinese President Xi Jinping, for Haileybury’s groundbreaking work in taking Australian secondary education to China.

In China, Haileybury International School is the first sister school of Haileybury College. It is in The Wuqing District of Tianjin. Not only does it share Haileybury’s high quality educational resources, but it also inherits the spirit of Haileybury – hard work with a light heart.

Haileybury International School Tianjin welcomes you to join us!

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Subject: Recruitment Fair for Global Talents(GT²HR)
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