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Hebei Tiancheng Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.
Release Date:2024-04-28 Info. Source:Beijing Overseas Talents Center

Established in 1970 as a state-owned manufacturer, Tiancheng Pharma has more than 50 years’ professional experience of pharmaceuticals. Tiancheng Pharma was reorganized into the limited liability company in March 2010, and now is a group pharmaceutical company that integrates R&D, production and sales. Tiancheng Pharma is a National High-tech Enterprise, one of the Top Ten Pharmaceutical Enterprises in Hebei Province, Hebei Provincial Enterprise Technology Center, and Hebei Provincial Technology Innovation Center. Diversified dosage formulations are produced including large volume infusion, small volume injection, irrigation solution, powder for injection, tablets, granules as well as API, which sell well in domestic markets, CIS, Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South America, Africa and other foreign countries. More than 160 of registration certificates have been approved in different foreign countries.

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Subject: Recruitment Fair for Global Talents(GT²HR)
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