GT2HR Recruitment Fair, organized by Beijing Overseas Talents Center (BOTC), Beijing Youth Federation and FESCO, is a virtual platform where top global talents find their next opportunities from a wide range of organizations spanning various sectors and industries in Beijing. With the continued support of our prestigious partners, the event aims to gather momentum for Beijing as a global Sci-Tech innovation hub. This event is designed for the benefit of top foreign talents, young foreign professionals and overseas graduates in China. We also invite experts and young talents to share their visions and expertise in global talents exchange.
      为加快集聚一批具有较强科研能力和专业知识,能够对接国际高端资源的外籍人才,促进优秀外籍青年引进,北京海外学人中心联合北京市青年联合会、北京外企人力资源服务有限公司等,搭建“国际青年人才双百对接会”平台,服务于优秀外籍青年人才和优秀外籍留学生引、聘、留、用。首届国际青年人才双百对接会(GT2HR 2021)于2021年9月中旬至12月举办,主要包括线上启动、网上平台对接、线下交流等内容。目前,31家在京科研机构、高校、医院、科技企业等已汇总177个国际岗位,面向全球国际人才开放。
